Perseverance and Grace – Tom Randall – April 2021

My long-time friend and legendary professional golfer, Dana Quigley, has a fascinating story of perseverance and grace.

Dana’s perseverance is illustrated by the incredible record of 278 straight PGA Tour events over 9.5 years which earned him the title of the Tour’s Iron Man.

His perseverance was rewarded by winning 32 tour events and millions in earnings and awards. He has made an incredible 31 Holes In One and at age 74 has already shot his age or better 791 times! His perseverance is obvious because starting at age 14 and for the 60 years since he has played a minimum of 18 holes every day.

“…for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy…” Eccl. 2:25

But the grace is illustrated by Dana’s growing faith and his 30-year chip of sobriety.

The grace is illustrated by our past 20 years of working together to win golfers and fans to Christ across our great country.

The Quigleys never missed our tour Bible study despite bad weather or bad scores. Dana and his wife, Angie, recruited many players and their wives for our Bible study on Friday nights. They bought pizza and drinks for the whole crowd to make up for me talking too long! I even caddied for Dana occasionally in tournaments which became fun filled adventures for both of us.

Last week I saw God’s grace in Dana again when he took a long drive across Alligator Alley here in Florida to Naples, FL to join me to speak to a group of 100 golfers. He is still recovering from some health issues which include open heart surgery and some other medical challenges.

He has been diligent about staying away from crowds to avoid exposure to Covid or other germs. But again, he persevered and after getting the crowd laughing and crying, we could feel the Holy Spirit in the room! We could see God’s grace pouring out of Dana.

Donations: Revelation 12:11, 614 E Hwy 50, #171, Clermont, FL 34711

One golfer approached me after our meeting and confessed he was battling alcohol addiction. Dana’s testimony and long-time sobriety had shocked and inspired him to change his life’s direction. He prayed with me and accepted Christ and both Dana and I left for our homes filled with joy!

As Dana turned to head back across Alligator Alley to his home on the coast he said, “Call me when we can do another one, Tomas. I love doing this for the Lord and with you!” I told him I had another meeting coming up in Orlando area and he told me to, “Book it! God willing, I will be ready again!”

Dana’s son, Devon, was in a horrific car accident nine years ago that left him barely clinging to life. I flew

to Florida from our home in Oklahoma to be with Dana and Angie and to probably do Devon’s funeral.

But by God’s grace Devon survived and has lived another nine years past what all the doctors said he would live. While in the waiting time right after the accident many of Devon’s friends were searching for hope, encouragement, and answers. They would gather at Dana and Angie’s house and after dinner, Bible study, and lots of discussions, many wanted me to baptize them right in the Quigley’s pool!

Since that first awful night and the difficult years since coping with Devon’s TBI, Dana has posted an update on Devon and a devotion, prayer, and encouragement every night! That is perseverance! The growth of Dana and Angie’s faith is grace. The ministry of Devon, who was baptized just three weeks before the accident, is more perseverance and grace.

Dana has been a tremendous encouragement after the prison experience and subsequent slander and harassment. More grace! You have been generous and supporting through all the hate and threats and our move to Orlando and we thank you for the Grace of God in you!

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

Because of Grace and with Perseverance,

Tom and Karen Randall

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