“Of all the gin joints in all the towns of the world, he walks into mine.” (Adapted quote from Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.)

An Unexpected Golf Partner with a Familiar Past
Recently while on vacation in perfect Michigan weather I took the opportunity to go golfing. Unfortunately, the courses were booked solid with foursomes. But the golf pro in Chelsea had one possibility if I was willing to be there in 30 minutes to join the only single player on the schedule. Is the Pope Catholic? I raced to the golf course, thanked the pro, and rushed to the first tee to meet my new friend!
Tan Gao welcomed me with a warm handshake and a friendly smile. His physical appearance and accent was pure Chinese so I greeted him in Mandarin which tickled him immediately. (My Mandarin is limited to greetings, golf, Scripture verses, and restaurants).
Then I received the most pleasant surprise and unexpected encouragement from Tan Gao. Tan recognized me, knew my name, that I had played basketball, and most importantly, that I was a follower of Jesus!? He was a student in Beijing University 45 years ago and joined his classmates to watch the first USA basketball team come to China and play the famous Red Army team with the giant Moo Shan Too Lee. “We saw you hit the winning shot and then you went into the crowd to visit people and sign autographs with a Bible verse,” Tan told me.
“You also said in Chinese, “Come to Jesus” to everyone you shook hands with. It was the first time we saw someone talk about God in public and the Red Guards were frustrated that you did that.”
A Life Transformed by Faith and a Game
Tan continued his story. “I came to America on a student visa, then got a working visa, then eight years later I became a citizen. But most importantly, I became a Born-Again believer and follower of Jesus. I am married with two children and four grandchildren. I just retired from 30 years as a bank vice-president in Ann Arbor and today is my 65th birthday!”
I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of me with Mr. Moo that I had shown to thousands of people from that very game in Beijing Stadium.
Tan Gao and I did not play golf particularly well that day, but we visited like old friends all the way around. While waiting on the 17th tee, we sat in the cart and prayed together for China and the USA people to come to Jesus.
Now I look forward to next summer to play golf again in Michigan with my new friend!
Being on that first team to visit China after the death of Mao Zedong and the Gang of Four was such a privilege and a highlight in my basketball career.
Witnessing the courage of Chinese believers under communist rule inspired my own Christian faith.
Meeting Tan Gao 45 years later reminded me of I Corinthians 15:58 that says that your labor for the Lord is not in vain. One day I will also meet again, those people who trusted Christ in Beijing Stadium that night so many years ago.
Because He lives,
Tom and Karen Randall
Donations: Revelation 12:11, 614 e Hwy 50, #171, Clermont, FL 34711