Divine Tee Time : How a Jet-Lagged Morning Became a Spiritual Encounter

Unexpected Conversations, Shared Faith, and the Power of God’s Perfect Timing on the Golf Course

The three-hour jet lag from Florida to California became a blessing to me recently. I woke up at 4:00 AM which was a full 14 hours before my first speaking engagement. So, I prepared my messages for the week, read the book of Psalms, and had breakfast but still no sunrise.

I decided to drive to a golf course but without a reserved tee time I doubted I could get on the course. Arriving at the Pro-Shop I was surprised to see the young Filipina lady who was wearing a colorful golf hat emblazoned with the name Ephesus. (I’ve never seen that on a hat, have you?) I got my Bible out of my golf bag and explained in Tagalog about the city of Ephesus and the book of Ephesians. She was pleasantly surprised to find the word on her hat in the Bible! She returned the kindness with a spot with the first men off the tee as the sun peaked over the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Brett and Larry were friendly and happy for me to join them even though I was much older. They did not know each other as well but were both executives in the Silicon Vally. After six holes of responding to my questions about them they asked me about my occupation. I told them I was a Sports Missionary and Golf Chaplain. This stimulated Brett to suddenly ask me why there are so many ways to heaven and so many intermediators needed to reach God! The positive spiritual adrenaline rush caused me to bogey my first hole but sensing his question came from a Catholic background I shared my Catholic history. I pulled my Bible out of my golf bag again and turned to I Timothy 2:5 and asked him to read it and tell me what he thought it means.

“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…”

The expression on Brett’s face showed instant discovery and recognition that the Bible answered his question and that the one and only mediator between man and God is Christ Jesus! After we played another hole I went to John 14:6 and let him read what Jesus says about how many ways there are to heaven.

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Golf, Scripture, and Spiritual Breakthroughs

Brett read that verse and saw for himself how many ways there are to heaven!

Larry was now peaking over Brett’s shoulder at the verses. Like so many Catholics they believed the Bible’s truth and authority but just hadn’t become familiar with it’s contents. I already had my finger in Hebrews 9:27 when Brett wondered about purgatory and now had no reservations about reading Scripture out loud.

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgement…”

This verse seemed to give Brett relief and he was amazed that his specific questions could be answered from the Bible. Now we were hitting golf shots and talking about Hail Mary’s, the Rosery, indulgences, the Pope, etc.

After finishing I was not surprised that Brett accepted my invitation to pray. But I was shocked when quiet Larry rushed over and said, “Me, too!” It turns out Larry was also raised Catholic and had the same questions and frustrations spiritually.

Reflecting on my morning of jet lag I can recognize God’s fingerprints all over that morning’s circumstances. A Filipina in charge with a hat that she liked the colors of but didn’t know that Ephesus was a real place. Two forty-year-old wealthy executives with unknowingly the same religious history had questions and a love for golf. And an almost 70-year-old golfer with a similar background yearning for the opportunity to answer their questions about God.

God imagines, develops, coordinates, and leads and then anoints us for these unique and exciting experiences with specific people He loves and offers life to.

“He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.” I Thessalonians 5:24

Only God performs the miracle of forgiveness and redemption. He is faithful and will also do it. But I am privileged to be “called” by God to communicate the message of redemption and hope as you are as well. We are His ambassadors.

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ…” II Corinthians 5:20

Jet lagged but not tired,


PS Tom and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! We pray that it will be a wonderful time of remembering what our good and faithful God has done for us.

Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere;

Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born!”

Donations: Revelation 12:11, 614 E Hwy 50, #171, Clermont, FL 34711

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