Tom Randall articles

God’s Providence : Colonel Kinniburgh’s Heroic Intervention in the 1973 Yom Kippur War

Every Tuesday evening Ret. Army Lt. Colonel Stuart Kinniburgh and I team up to teach Bible at the Central Care Mission in Orlando. Stuart’s love for the Lord, his country, and these men is both inspiring and predictable considering the incredible story of his father, Marine Colonel John Kinniburgh. During the 1973 Yom Kipper War the Colonel would replicate the heroics of Queen Esther and save the Jews from annihilation.

Just as Esther’s efforts provided weapons of defenseagainst Haman’s devious and hateful intentions Colonel Kinniburgh would provide weapons of defense for Israel’s miraculous victory.





The Legacy of Colonel John Kinniburgh and Tom Randall‘s Reflections

Both Queen Esther and the Colonel recognized they were meant for such a time as this! A coalition of 14 Arab countries with Russian military support launched a surprise invasion to finally destroy Israel.

With no European or Western support and hopelessly overmatched in weapons and troops, Prime Minister Golda Meir made one last desperate call to President Nixon. She passionately and famously declared, “If the US does not help us at once there will be no Israel tomorrow.”

If the Arab countries put down their weapons there would be no violence. If Israel puts down their weapons,there would be no more Israel.”GoldMeir

Despite the disapproval of Congress, members of both parties, and even his Chief of Staff, President Nixon courageously promised the Prime Minister help. What few knew was that as a young boy, Richard

Nixon’s mother would read the Bible to him. Remarkably, she told him that someday God would call on him to save the Jews as Queen Esther did long ago!

Operation Nickel Grass : A Miraculous Airlift to Israel Coordinated by Colonel Kinniburgh and Tom Randall

With defeat imminent in 1973 President Nixon called European Headquarters in Germany and was referred to Colonel John Kinniburgh.

The President gave Colonel Kinniburgh authority to lead “Operation Nickel Grass” and ordered him to use every possible resource to supply tanks and weapons to Israel ASAP.

Being a committed follower of Jesus and familiar with Biblical history and God’s promises for the nation of Israel he was aware of the immense importance of his mission. Colonel Kinniburgh organized the largest and quickest airlift of tanks and weapons in history! Just as God used a young Queen Esther and her Uncle Mordecai to save the Jews, He used a godly mother and Christ loving Colonel to save His people on Yom Kipper 1973.

And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations,

and then the end will come.”Matt 24:10-14

I believe God has placed Stu and me in Orlando for such a time as this.

Our world is constantly changing, and I believe the Lord is looking for believers to stand for Him! If Jesus thought proclaiming the Gospel amongst increased lawlessness and hate is a priority, then so should we. I am not a president, a commander, or a queen but in my small circle and with my limited skills I love proclaiming Jesus!

For such a time as this,

Tom Randall and Karen Randall

Some additional notes on the 1973 Yom Kipper War:

IsraelVS Egypt,Syria,Jordan,Algeria,Iraq,Libya,Kuwait,etc.

375,000 troops 1,067,000 troops

1700 tanks 3600, tanks, 1025 aircraft, 140 helicopters,

404 aircraft 104 naval vessels, 1750 artillery units

2500 dead 20,000 dead and 35,000 wounded

Donations : Revelation 12:11, 614 E Hwy 50, #171, Clermont, FL 34711

Tom Randall

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